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Custom Views
June 22, 2021

We have made a few exciting changes to Inbox in Richpanel! These will affect the default agent and team views which we had earlier.

Change 1: We have changed the placement of the views:

Earlier views looked like what is shown below: 

Now, placement of views to will look like this

Change 2: Added feature to add/edit/delete/share views: Views work in the same way as earlier. Now you can create, edit and delete the views and even share the views with them. 

Important note: We have removed some of the views(agent and team views) that you had earlier. LEt us know if you need them to be added back. Here is how you can create views:


  1. Click on the menu to open inbox views.

  2. From Inbox views, click on + Create View


  1. You can apply the filter option as per your preference to create a view.

For example, let’s create a view to check all Facebook post comments and messages.

  • Select Channel → FB Comment, FB Message

  • Click on Proceed.

  • Give your view a title, and choose an emoji icon. 


Change 3: Status Tabs

We have updated the old tabs (Chat and Your Turn) to Status Tabs to help you be on top of all the open conversations.



Any questions or concerns? You can get in touch with us anytime by using the help button at the bottom right of the app, or by emailing us at

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